
Showing posts from 2016

Health Benefits of Moringa

  T he health benefits of moringa include relief from stomach disorders, allergies and edema. The antioxidant power of moringa aids in liver protection, diabetes, eye protection, cardiovascular health, bone health, uroliathiasis, wound healing, healthy hair and skin. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of moringa help to fight various infections, including herpes. Moringa is rich in phytonutrients, which are effective for preventing various medical conditions such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, bronchial asthma, sickle cell disease, nephrotoxicity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anemia, and obesity, as well as helping to build a strong immune system.   Moringa – The “Miracle Tree” Moringa oleifera, also known as drumstick tree, is a highly valued and versatile plant which belongs to the Moringaceae family. Moringa is a fast growing, deciduous tree that is native to India and is widely cultivated in tropical and subt

3 Serious Dangers of the Zika Virus

T he Zika virus, which is carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, has infected thousands in the Americas and the Caribbean, and has now been confirmed in a handful of Americans. Here are 3 crucial facts you should know about the virus, which health officials worldwide are scrambling to control: 1. Zika may cause congenital malformations in children Despite the fact that this mosquito-borne illness is very similar to yellow fever, West Nile virus and chikungunya, this is the first time that we have seen what appears to be a direct link to a major congenital malformation like microcephaly from this family of viruses. While we know that viruses can affect pregnancy, most of our experiences with infections are with viruses like West Nile, which theoretically could lead to early miscarriages. Never before have we seen a variant of this type from this viral family create a major anatomical deformity with a predisposition to affect a baby’s brain. Now, in addition to requir

5 reasons you should avoid Canned food

  1. Bisphenol or BPA The most worrisome of all, among canned foods that can harm you, is plastic contaminants in our canned goods. Most canned food these days have a plastic coating inside the can to supposedly keep the food, vegetables, and fruits – fresh. Well, it may keep them more fresh that otherwise without it being stored up inside a metal object, but this comes at the expense of harming you. The inner plastic lining is poisonous at small measures, although FDA tells us that the small amounts should not worry us too much. Well this plastic coating is Bisphenol or BPA for short and it is harmful, first because humans are not suppose to eat plastic material made from crude oil and second because FDA should be honest and tell people the truth rather than serve the interests of big corporations that give it large sums of money through back channel donations and hidden funds through partner organizations. Alzheimers-Aluminum-cans BPA kills rats in laboratories even