Weight Loss| Fattening Foods to Avoid

W eight gain has been seen as one of the most common threat to human healthy living and a lot of efforts are needed to loose the gained weight. Almost over-sized people gather such weight as a result of bad eating habits. Highlighted below are foods to avoid, and the healthier options you can choose instead: 1. High-Fat Meats on the Barbeque : Instead of cheeseburgers and pork or beef ribs, stick to lean cuts such as pork tenderloin, skinless chicken breast, and lean ground beef; 2. Ball Game Delights : You might think it's the calories that make these options - hot dogs, sausages, and bratwursts - better left untouched, but it's the sodium. With oftentimes well over 1000 grams of sodium, choose to enjoy the ball game with something more nutritious; 3. Mayonnaise-based Salads : Your potato/pasta salads and coleslaw can be just as good with light mayonnaise or "German-style" with more vinegar than oil. Substituting healthi...