Weight Loss| Fattening Foods to Avoid

Weight gain has been seen as one of the most common threat to human healthy living and a lot of efforts are needed to loose the gained weight. Almost over-sized people gather such weight as a result of bad eating habits.
Highlighted below are foods to avoid, and the healthier options you can choose instead:

1.    High-Fat Meats on the Barbeque: Instead of cheeseburgers and pork or beef ribs, stick to lean cuts such as pork tenderloin, skinless chicken breast, and lean ground beef;

2.    Ball Game Delights: You might think it's the calories that make these options - hot dogs, sausages, and bratwursts - better left untouched, but it's the sodium. With oftentimes well over 1000 grams of sodium, choose to enjoy the ball game with something more nutritious;

3.    Mayonnaise-based Salads: Your potato/pasta salads and coleslaw can be just as good with light mayonnaise or "German-style" with more vinegar than oil. Substituting healthier ingredients will let you enjoy these options, guilt-free;

4.    Skip the Umbrella Drinks: Sipping on a frozen concoction can pile on the calories. Instead, try a fruit juice and seltzer based mixed drink, wine, or a wine spritzer as a healthier option;

5.    Skip the Sweetened Drinks: Sweet tea, soda, and energy drinks might seem like great thirst quenching options, but they are laden with calories that add up in a hurry. Choose water instead, or, if you must, choose light options;

6.    Frozen Treats: We all know that huge fudge sundaes are a no-no (as tasty as they may be), but to eat well you don't need to give up all frozen treats. Instead, snack on sherbets, fudge bars, and fruit bars to quench your cravings and cool off from the  sun;

7.    Fair Food: Generally "eat-while-you-walk" foods aren't good for you. If you want to partake, choose cotton candy or a caramel apple and be sure to SHARE;

8.    Salad Toppers: Not just a problem, but a nutritional salad can be turned fattening by adding dressings and high-calorie toppings. Choose light dressings and veggies as your salad toppers;

9.    Mindless Munching: Eat in moderation - a handful won't hurt, but make sure you stop there! Even better: much on veggies and dip or fat-free popcorn; and

10.  Fried Chicken: If it's deep friend, it's just not good for you. Choose a boneless, skinless chicken breast, add some seasoning, and I bet you'll forget all about the bucket of chicken you were thinking about buying.

Article culled from Ezinearticles.com and is authored by Kelli Arruzzo.


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