Ovulation in women

We cannot say what is the main problem and have to all test at proper time. Infertility main problem the women are facing with Ovulation. If the menstrual cycle is time to time then ovulation will be perfect. The normal menstruation time is 28-30 days. If the menstrual is more than 35 days then there is a problem with the ovulation which can affected on pregnancy.

As per the ultrasonography doctor can predict the ovulation procedure and time of ovulation. If the ovulation is not happening then they give the tablets like letrozole, clomid and other ovulation medicine.

Now a days this is the common problem with ladies for ovulation and they have to consult the infertility specialist who can give proper guidance.

Menstruation cycle day 1-5 is for normal bleeding, after 5 days the follicles developed in the ovary. Normally 80% of women can ovulate after 14 days of menstrual cycle if the menstruation is 28-30 days.

Predict the Ovulation Symptoms :
But normally women who are trying to conceive can make the chart as per below symptoms :
01. Temperature chart : After cycle day 10 shall make the temperature chart in the morning. If the temperature is high compare to normal days then there is a ovulation procedure start.
02. Cervical Mucus : After the menstruation cervical mucus disappeared, in the middle of cycle after 10 days there is egg white cervical mucus appeared and conception chances are moderate. But after 14 days of cycle the clear cervical mucus we can see and on that period the fertility chances are high.
03. Abdominal Cramping : After 10-14 days of cycle when ovulation is occurred then there is a bit of abdominal cramping.
04. Ovulation Predictor Kit : You can predict the ovulation using Ovulation Predictor Kit after 13 days from menstruation cycle.

Fertilization :
After making the relation on the fertile period from 14-20 days on regular cycle the fertilization can occurred in a week or 16 days.
If fertilization not occurred the shed of lining of uterus is take place for new menstruation procedure.
For more information visit: Baby Centre


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