What Is Swine Flu?

Swine Flu is a respiratory ailment which has identical symptoms to common flu. Swine Flu was considered to have originated with pigs, but now it has spread among human beings as well. Swine Flu also named as A(H1N1) has already been categorized as a global pandemic. Swine Flu outbreak is considered a serious threat to human life. 

An outbreak of Swine Flu has been considered a pandemic because numerous people at various places might become seriously sick at the same time. The effects of Swine flu can be quite lethal and fatal. Basic human activities and services can be severely affected by the spread of Swine Flu. 

Symptoms of Swine Flu

Highlighted below are some of the  symptoms of Swine Flu:

i.    Sudden dizziness;

ii.   Difficulty in breathing; 

iii.  Pain in the chest or abdomen;

iv.  Severe or persistent vomiting;and

v.   Fever with a rash

Prevention of Swine Flu

There are various precautions we need to take in order to prevent Swine Flu outbreak. The various steps which can be useful are:

1) We need to know the various symptoms of swine flu present in people. The symptoms are very similar to common flu. The various symptoms present may be fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Acute cases of Swine Flu may also suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. There is no certain way to judge if someone has swine flu unless a proper test is done at a medical center authorized to conduct Swine flu Tests.

2) We need to ensure that we are in good health. Make sure you get sufficient sleep, be active and manage your stress levels. One should also make sure that the diet he takes is nutritious and there is ample quantity of fluid intake. A person with a strong immune system will have less chances of getting Swine Flu.

3) We need to practice and maintain good hygiene. In case you sneeze, cover your mouth with a disposable tissue paper or at least a handkerchief. Always wash your hands especially before taking food and after sneezing or blowing your nose.

4) Avoid sharing utensils and drinks while dining. While having food it is a common practice for people to share utensils or share a drink. This should be completely avoided to be safe and away from Swine Flu.

5) Always wear a face mask or respirator as instructed by authorities. Face mask or respirators are potent weapons against Swine Flu and can be helpful in preventing the spread of the disease.

This article is adapted from indiastudychannel.com


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