
Showing posts from January, 2011

Prevention of cancer now

Most people feel that cancer is purely genetic, and this allows a person to consider it cannot be avoided, well that is not entirely true. Scientists and Researchers with Cancer Society, feel that Healthy behaviors could possibly prevent half of the cancer deaths that are prevalent in today's society. Highlighted below are some guides that will assist you in prevention of cancer:   1. Don't smoke If you do smoke or use other types of tobacco products, try to quit, speak with your Doctor for any aid that will help you, there are many programmes now, just remember there has to be ONE that will finally work for you. With both men and women, screening is extremely important for the most prevalent types of cancers including screening for colon, breast, prostate, cervix, skin and lung cancer. It is a known fact that finding cancer early will greatly increase your chance for a cure and reduce your risk from dying from any cancer diseases. 2.  Reduce your Alcohol intake Kee...

Cancer | What you need to know

Cancer is a class disease characterized by out-of-control cell growth.There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected. Cancer is a life threatening killer disease. It is a long term disease and the chances of survival are very poor. But thanks to the advancement in the field of medicine, scientists have come up with rewarding solutions to cure or prolong the killer disease. Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumors (except in the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the blood stream). Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems and they can release hormones that alter body function. Tumors that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally considered to be benign. More dangerous, or malignant, tumors form when two things occur: i. A ...

Cancer Fighting Super Food

If you want to reduce your risk of cancer, look no further than your fridge. Aim for at least five to nine daily servings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables especially these six: 1. BROCCOLI : All calciferous veggies contain cancer fighting properties, but broccoli is the only one with a size able amount of sulforaplane, a particular potent compounds that boosts the body's protective enzymes and flushes out cancer-causing chemicals. It also targets cancer stem cells. Brocooli helps fight: breast, liver, lung, prostrate, skin, stomach and bladder cancers so add broccoli  to whatever you can, from salads to omelets to the top of your pizza. 2. BERRIES : All berries are packed with cancer fighting phytonutrients.But black raspberries in particular contain very high concentrations of phytochemicals called anthocyanins which slow down the growth of premalignment cells and keep new blood vessels from forming. Berries help fight colon, esophaeal, oral and skin cancer. A half cup ser...

Tips on Dental Care

T aking easy steps to create a healthy set of teeth is a deliberate habit you must maintain, if you want to keep dental problem at bay. Gum disease happens to be one of the commonest diseases in the world and if untreated can lead to the loss of all the teeth over time. By now you should know the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day with toothpaste which contains fluoride but some people still skip this and then push it forward till another day such practice is inimical to good oral health. Gum disease is primarily caused by dental plaque and calculus with usually results from poor oral hygiene. Dental plaque can be easily removed through regular brushing and flossing. Remember it takes only 21 days to form a habit. Once you brush twice for 21 days it is likely to form par of you. Don't stop there, clean your teeth at least for two minutes. Prevent gum disease by flossing between your teeth.This is where food get stuck. Flossing helps to remove food ...

Importance of Physical Exercise

It is more annoying today as many people have shunned physical exercise. It is good to know at this juncture that exercise is another way of strengthening human body as well as elongate life span. It is pertinent for people to see reasons as to what physical exercise is all about and how it is useful to ones health. However, the decline in recent years were mostly traced to the stalled in undergoing physical exercise.Many societies of Physiotherapy in various nations of the world do encourage her citizens to engage in exercise. This is because exercise can improve young and old living conditions. It also reduces blood pressure, osteoarthritis, depression and anxiety among others. It is also good we know that physical exercise will give more flexibility and normal health condition if it is carried out constantly. For more valuable health information and hygiene tips, check here . Olufemi

Blackcurrant Juice can prevent aches and pains

N ew Discovery by scientists has revealed that drinking blackcurrant will effect some changes in the body system especially by preventing aches, strains during exercise. Several medical practitioners in various research had also corroborated this facts by itemizing the importance of the juice and how helpful it is to the body system. One Dr. Roger Hurst at the New Zealand Institute for plant and food researches monitored the impact of blackcurrant extract on ten(10) untrained volunteers. Blackcurrant when taken will coordinate and oxidative stress especially when is taken to control piles. Conclusively, it is believed that blackcurrant is will work effectively and it is advisable that you at least take it on daily basis especially if you are involved in any sporting activities. For more valuable Health information and tips, Check here Olufemi

Prevention and Control of Female Infertility

I nfertility in a woman goes beyond what mouth can express; sometime will lead to serious emotional and psychological problems that can also lead to other disease of the body. The following highlighted tips will help in prevention and controlling of this malfunctioning of the reproductive system: i. Women should be very observant in order for them to detect early irregularities in their menstrual period and  some other irregularities mention in my earlier post on female infertility ; ii. Indiscriminate use of contraceptives and abortifacients should be avoided; iii. Fatty food should be avoided because it will develop around the reproductive organ and sex glands; iv. Examine the nature of your food intake; v. Simple exercise that will aid effective circulation of blood should be encouraged. Finally the use of herbs of natural formation will go a long way to help in finding solution to female reproductive problems and even other ailments. To read the main female infertility,...

Female Infertility

What is fertility in a female ?  I t is a process by which reproduction takes place in the female thus making her to conceive and putting to birth. Pregnancy become the utmost issue in these process. In ability to experience these process occuring to lady or a woman could be traced to some tests with the following explanation of what such tests implies: ENDOMETRIOSIS The observation from this test imples that linning from uterus is found outside the uterus. This mainly affect women in their 30s to 40s and thus causing problems for them to conceive. The main cause of infertility from endometriosis seems to be scarring and adhesion that result in blockage. This however prevent eggs from being fertilized or either plant egg transfer from the fallopian tubes as such often result in ectopic pregnancy. Meaning the fertilized egg transplant itself somewhere other than the uterine linning. Endometriosis can  be treated with surgery. It is good to note that when you are experiencing ...

The Best Oil for your Cooking

K nowing fully well that cooking as paramount to human existence cannot be overemphasized because quite every human beings knows the importance of food especially to the body system.  Based on the knowledge we have about he various class of foods and how they functioned, fat & Oil also formed one of these classes which will help our focus on oil best for cooking. Therefore we shall discuss the following oils and how they remain best for our cooking: 1. CANOLA Oil : Nutritionists often asked people to stay away from canola oil if possible. This is due to Vitamin E content resulting to heart disease as well as rancid measure in context. It is therefore advisable for you to use canola for baking sauteing; 2. GRAPE SEED Oil : It is quite good for various cooking purpose. This is because it reduces cholesterol and is good for cooking, sauteing and frying; 3. PEANUT Oil : This is not well recommended becuase of the content of mono unsaturated fatty acids but it is good for fryin...

Human infection with avian influenza virus

U sually, avian influenza refers to influenza A (H5N1) viruses found chiefly in birds, but the infections with these viruses can occur in humans. The risk from avian influenza is generally low to most people because the viruses do not usually infect humans. However, confirmed cases of human infection from several subtypes of avian influenza infection have been reported since 1997. Most of which was as a result of having contact with infected poultry or surfaces contaminated with secretions or excretions from infected birds. Symptoms of avian influenza in human have ranged from typical human influenza-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches to eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases and other severe and life threatening complications. Since 2003, a growing number of human H5N1 cases are reported in some countries such as Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Djibouti, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam and Nigeria lately. More than half of t...

An Overview of Avian Influenza in Nigeria

Introduction Avian influenza virus started affecting domestic and wild birds and humans in South-East Asia in mid-2003 and has now spread to Africa and Europe. It is the largest and most severe outbreaks on record. Previously, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry and wild bird were rare but since December 2003, some forty- five (45) countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East have reported outbreaks of H5N1 avian influenza in poultry and or birds. This highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus has developed into a concern for human health in two major areas. First, the virus has caused very severe disease in people since December 1997, with more than two hundred (200) human cases and a fifty-five percent (55%) mortality rate. The second, and a far greater concern for human health is the risk that the virus if given enough opportunity; will develop the characteristics needed to start an influenza pandemic. The recent confirmation of the death of a twen...

Avian Flu : The Nigerian Experience

   Since the first reported case of bird flu in Nigeria in year 2006, the scourge had unleashed untold economic hardship on poultry farmers especially those in the infected states as poultry farming is second only to oil production in Nigeria. Initially, the compensation announced by the government for affected farmers has now appeared to get bogged down in red tape, as some farmers were never paid. The fear of loosing their birds that will never be paid for discouraged them from reporting the outbreak thereby contributing to the spread of this epidemic.    Apart from farmers millions of Nigerians keep poultry in their backyards, making human-to-bird contact more common and surveillance more difficult as majority live below the poverty line and cannot afford luxury of rejecting sick or dead birds. It will be necessary to note that this virus spread to virtually all parts of an infected birds including blood, meat and bones. The viruses survive in contaminated raw p...

What is a pandemic?

A pandemic is a global disease out break. A flu pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges for which people have little or no immunity and for which there is no vaccine. The disease spreads easily from person-to person causing illness across the globe in a very short time. It will be difficult to predict when the next flu pandemic will occur or how severe it will be, wherever and whenever a pandemic starts, everyone around the world will be at risk. Health professionals are concerned that the continued spread of a highly pathogenic avian H5N1 virus across various countries of the world in which Nigeria is one, poses threat to human health. Already, avian flu experts have tipped Nigeria as one of three countries that are weak areas in the global attempt to stem the spread of the virus. Do we allow the pandemic to start in Nigeria? No, then avian flu outbreak must be addressed immediately to avert a potential human pandemic that could lead high levels of illness, death, social...

Writing can reduce stress of cancer

E ncouraging cancer patients to write down their deepest fears about the disease may improve their quality of life, a United States study has revealed. A writing clinician, Nancy Morgan, approached patients waiting in a clinic at a cancer centre in Washington DC. According to the BBC, half of those who took part said the exercise changed the way they thought about the illness, according to the journal, The Oncologist. Younger people, and those recently diagnosed, were most likely to benefit. Thoughts and feelings, or the cognitive processing and emotions related to cancer, are key writing elements associated with health benefits. Morgan developed her role as part of the Arts and Humanities Programme at the Lombardi Centre.  Her “expressive writing” exercise, lasting just 20 minutes, posed questions to leukaemia or lymphoma patients about how the cancer had changed them and how they felt about those changes. When those taking part were contacted again a few weeks later, 49 per...

Air Conditioning And Your Health

Does Air Conditioning really affect your health?  Find out how you can enjoy the benefits of air conditioning without the problems. Who would be without air conditioning. In hot, humid climates it is more than a modern comfort – it is an essential element in getting through those sweltering, sticky days. But, like most modern conveniences,air conditioning has its down-sides. Are they sufficient to make you think twice about having an air conditioner at your place? Many researchers believe they are. Let’s find out why. The problems associated with air conditioners arise out of overuse. With the ease of fingertip control many people assume that the more they use their unit the better it will be.  This, however, is not the case. Air conditioning aggravates the effects of arthritis and neuritis. It also causes trouble for those with sinus trouble, causing their heads to become blocked. In addition to these obvious reactions to an air conditioned environment there are many far...

Useful Tips on Mobile Phone

T he brand of phone does not matter, but how it is being used is the most important, when talking about the control of the amount of radiation one is exposed to. This article will highlight some simple tips that can considerably reduce radiation and health risks exposed to. 1. Use Of Hard Free Set The further away from your body the phone is, the less radiation you are exposed to. Using a hands-free set is the easiest way to radically reduced the amount of radiation you are exposed to if you use a mobile phone . 2. Hold Your Phone At The Bottom Covering a large areas of the phone with your hand will reduce its ability to send and receive signals. Thereby the phone increases its power in order to transmit stronger radiation to compensate for this poor handling. For your phone to operate at low power hold it as far down as possible. 3. Get In The Best Position Locate a position where you can receive good signal because the good the signal the lower the phone power and radiation. If r...

How to cleaning Sandwich Toaster

A sandwich toaster  is a kitchen appliance designed to quickly toast your sandwich on both sides without using the traditional butter and skillet method. The machine's non-stick coating guarantees that the sandwitch won't stick to the cooking surface even without the use of cooking spray, butter or margarine. As with any other cooking appliance, you must clean the sandwich maker after each use. To clean it follow the highlighted tips : i. Switch off, unplug and allow the sandwich toaster to cool off; ii. Run a dish cloth under hot water, squeeze out the cloth and wipe it over exterior frame of the sandwich toaster; iii. Dip the cloth in soapy water, squeeze out and wipe down the grill plates of the sandwich toaster and repeat until all sandwich residue is out; iv. Rinse the cloth with hot water again, squeeze out and wipe the grill plates to remove any leftover dish soap; and v. Never use abrasive cleaners as they will damage the non stick coating. This information was...