Female Infertility

What is fertility in a female ? 
It is a process by which reproduction takes place in the female thus making her to conceive and putting to birth. Pregnancy become the utmost issue in these process. In ability to experience these process occuring to lady or a woman could be traced to some tests with the following explanation of what such tests implies:

The observation from this test imples that linning from uterus is found outside the uterus. This mainly affect women in their 30s to 40s and thus causing problems for them to conceive. The main cause of infertility from endometriosis seems to be scarring and adhesion that result in blockage. This however prevent eggs from being fertilized or either plant egg transfer from the fallopian tubes as such often result in ectopic pregnancy. Meaning the fertilized egg transplant itself somewhere other than the uterine linning.

Endometriosis can  be treated with surgery. It is good to note that when you are experiencing pains while you are having sex or have very painful menstrual cramps or heavy bleeding during your period or un-usual spotting it could be endometriosis. Also, it should be noted that about 30 percent of women with endometriosis will never show symptoms except for fertility problems.

   It is quite sadden that PCOS is the main cause of infertility among women yet severely under diagnosed (less than 25% of women who suffer from the syndrome have been diagnosed). This could also be detected not only through search for pregnacy but circumstances shows from the nature of the body at such period. This include 
   i.  Weight gain;
   ii. acne;
   iii. Irregular or absent periods;
   iv. infertility; and 
   v. Failure to ovulate.

 However, this can be diagnosed through a series of blood tests, manage through the use of hormones that will trigger ovulation thus helping the woman getting pregnant.

Ovulation disorder is another crucial issue here where statistics given about 40% of female infertility problems are caused by it, this include irregular period, or failing to ovualte at all. This is cause by disordeliness which could be attributed to excessive weight loss, stress, thyroid problems or hormone in-balances.
Premature ovulation failure (POF) look more upsetting because you are diagnosed as no more menstrating even though you are still under age of 40. POF is often traced to defect from birth like chromosonal abnormality that results in defective ovaries to your ovaries becoming resistance to your body's natural hormones when you are in 20s and 30s. Pelvic surgery,  chemotherapy and radiation have also been known to result in POF while understanding these you experience failure in your ovulation, seizures of menstrual period for months, sudden appearance of such menstrual period etc.

The treatment for such is often difficult but it is advised you try hormone pills in order to promote ovulation but this often not successful. Another option is In vitro fertilization (IVF) with a donor egg that is fertilized by your partner's sperm.

In vitro fertilization, a laboratory procedure in which sperm are placed with an unfertilized egg in a Petri dish to achieve fertilization. The embryo is then transferred into the uterus to begin a pregnancy or cryopreserved (frozen) for future use. IVF was originally devised to permit women with damaged or absent fallopian tubes to have a baby. Normally a mature egg is released from the ovary (ovulated), then enters the Fallopian tube, and waits in the neck of the tube for a sperm to fertilize it. With defective Fallopian tubes, this is not possible. The first IVF baby, Louise Joy Brown, was born in England in 1978.
In Vitro fertilization literally means "fertilization in glass." A child born by in vitro fertilization is inaccurately known a "test tube baby."

For more information on the prevention and control of female infertility click here.



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