Prevention and Control of Female Infertility

Infertility in a woman goes beyond what mouth can express; sometime will lead to serious emotional and psychological problems that can also lead to other disease of the body. The following highlighted tips will help in prevention and controlling of this malfunctioning of the reproductive system:

i. Women should be very observant in order for them to detect early irregularities in their menstrual period and  some other irregularities mention in my earlier post on female infertility;

ii. Indiscriminate use of contraceptives and abortifacients should be avoided;

iii. Fatty food should be avoided because it will develop around the reproductive organ and sex glands;

iv. Examine the nature of your food intake;

v. Simple exercise that will aid effective circulation of blood should be encouraged.

Finally the use of herbs of natural formation will go a long way to help in finding solution to female reproductive problems and even other ailments.



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